Posts: Self-Awareness

woman sitting in a field holding a mirror and looking at herself smiling

The Courage to Face Ourselves

Thoughts on our capacity for self-reflection

Feb 12, 2024

It was the small mirror that first caught my eye as I approached the table to sit down. It was accompanied by a large light brown paper for coloring and markers. I didn’t know any of the other 15 or so people who signed up for this Poetry Workshop. But it sounded right up my alley and worth giving up every Saturday morning in February for. The theme of the workshop—self-portrait.

Self-Awareness Mental Health Psychology Introspection Contemplation

escalator going down into busy street

Inertia of the Soul

Finding ways to resuscitate our deepest desires

Aug 13, 2023

Overstimulated. It’s a word we hear quite often, especially in our social media–heavy, technology-obsessed, devices-galore, insta-everything world. It happens to kids and adults alike, and it’s hard to get away from. We can take social media breaks, go on silent retreats, take a vacation, detox, and meditate, but eventually we find ourselves right back in hyper-stimulation mode.

Soul Motivation Seasons Self-Awareness Calling

volcano erupting

One Pause at a Time

Learning how to recognize our default reactions

Apr 18, 2023

The argument was meaningless, as many marital arguments tend to be. One sentence became a trigger for the other, which led to defensiveness and trying to prove each other’s points. Things got taken out of context, the past was brought into the present, the words “always” and “never” got thrown around… the usual culprits.

Personal Growth Perspective Life Lessons Self-Awareness Psychology

side view mirror of car driving in woods

An Outlet for the Ache

Lessons learned from a speeding ticket

Jan 26, 2023

It's 8:30 pm on a Monday in December. I'm driving home from an ASL class at a local community college. Thankfully it's not snowing, but the back-country roads of this neighboring town close to my house aren't streetlight-friendly, so I'm eager to get home and out of the pitch black. Hunger pains are also causing me to go faster than I should.

Life Lessons Self-Care Self-Awareness Mental Health

paper lantern floating in sky

What No Longer Serves Us

Facing our shortcomings through the art of letter writing

Jan 18, 2023

There are many ways to ring in the new year. From old traditions passed down over time to new ones created for ourselves, we all have ways to welcome the beginning of a new 12-month cycle. One ritual that I have very recently begun implementing is writing a letter. To whom? A letter to anything that no longer serves me and that I want to let go of moving forward.

Transformation New Year Change Self-Awareness

a man and woman dancing contemporary

The Gift and the Curse of the Artist’s Life

Mar 19, 2021

Sometimes the words don’t come. They stubbornly refuse to show up and be tied down. Perhaps they have better places to be, other writers to visit for the day. Even in the waiting, the silence, I have to trust the process. In the mundane act of holding still, there has to be a sense of conviction that no amount of stillness is ever wasted, if done with presence and purpose.

Artist Inspiration Creativity Self-Awareness Persistence

graffiti of a woman’s face on brick wall

A Closer Look at Anger

What emotions have to teach us

Feb 15, 2021

Let’s talk about anger. It’s not an emotion I’m fond of, or can easily express. Rather, it’s one I try my darndest to suppress. Truth be told, it terrifies me. Anytime it wants to surface, I close the lid, reel it back in. Often, I just transform it into sadness. Aren’t they just two sides of the same coin?

Emotions Self-Awareness Self-Improvement Life Lessons

image of cup with tea and a pen on top of an open journal

To Sit Quietly In A Room

Spiritual reflections on COVID-19

Mar 14, 2020

Even without stepping outside, I can feel the eerie quiet of the city. The dust is not even close to settling, but there is a feeling of culmination in the air. Of something ending, making way for a new type of living. If ever we were asked to take stock of our lives and all the precious things and people in them, it is now.

Spirituality Life Lessons Reflections Self-Awareness

two notebooks and a pen

Saying ‘No Thank You’ to Gratitude Practices

When popular spiritual practices just don’t work for you

Mar 19, 2019

I must confess something. It may come as a shock to some. Dare I say it out loud? Here goes… gratitude practices don’t work for me. In fact, I don’t even like them. There, I said it. Anything from gratitude lists, gratitude journaling, gratitude meditations, you name it, I’ve tried it. Repeatedly. Over an extended period of time. And it just doesn’t work for me.

Personal Growth Life Lessons Self-Awareness Gratitude Spirituality

two lighted pink and white candlesticks

You’re Not That Special

Why this thought can liberate you

Feb 26, 2019

This is the thought I have in the Uber ride home from a workshop I attended out of curiosity. It came out of nowhere, seemingly, and yet, it felt like the missing puzzle piece I was struggling to find for so long. It was one of those rare thoughts you have once in a blue moon that hits you like a brick, penetrating to the core of something you’ve been struggling with and haven’t been able to find the answer to.

Life Lessons Personal Growth Self-Improvement Self-Awareness

three wise monkeys

The Hidden Gifts of Our Dispositions

And their potential for our personal growth

Feb 12, 2019

Prone to melancholy. That’s how the pastor described the personality type #4 that I most relate to on the Enneagram. It’s a new sermon series the church started in which they teach on this ancient and insightful tool for self-awareness. My personality type — the “Individualist” — is sensitive, introspective, and self-aware, among other things.

Personal Development Personal Growth Life Lessons Self-Improvement Self-Awareness

person holding basket

The Sifting of Soul Work

Listening to the stirrings from within

Feb 05, 2019

I’ll be honest. I don’t feel like writing right now. Or doing much of anything, let alone try and be creative. But I committed to writing at least once a week. So I’m here, showing up, despite my inner refusal. I don’t want my art to suffer for the sake of my comfort, or how I feel in this particular moment.

Self-Awareness Personal Growth Soul Personal Development

dandelion with seeds flying

What Do You Need to Release in the New Year?

Thoughts on letting go of what no longer serves us

Jan 15, 2019

The sun is setting on this Sunday afternoon. It will come back, I have to reassure myself, with the looming darkness. The sky, shades of buttermilk and saffron. Kids below in the park, making snow angels before the snow melts, as it will. The passing of January, taking place right before my eyes, in spurts of moments and people flitting to-and-fro.

Personal Development Self-Awareness Resolutions

water ripple

The One Thing (among others) that Makes Us Uniquely Human

Sep 24, 2018

What sets us humans apart from other species? Scholars from numerous and diverse fields have attempted to answer this question. The ability to plan for the future, many might say. Developing meaning out of nothing, still others will say. I think something that seems to be fundamentally human is the desire for and work toward personal growth.

Personal Development Personal Growth Self-Awareness Change Self-Improvement

woman standing on top of rock near a lake

When Your Comfort Zone Becomes Your Dead Zone

Nov 01, 2016

I want so badly to tell you a more interesting story, but for now, all I have is the one of a girl who is terrified to step outside her comfort zone and yet at the same time, is desperately longing to. See, I know a thing or two about comfort zones. Actually I know too much. More than I’d like to admit.

Life Self-Improvement Fear Self-Awareness