Posts: Transformation

cherry blossom tree from below angle

Small Doses of Replenishment

Learning how to create sustainable renewal

Feb 19, 2024

Spring is less than a month away. I can feel it in the air. The temperature rising into the upper 50s. The sound of birds preparing to look for the perfect tree to call home. Walking by a small lake in our neighborhood, I see the ducks and geese have returned to the thawed water. It was still frozen not more than a week ago. The tiniest of buds have begun appearing on the trees in our backyard.

Transformation Change Seasons Surrender Renewal

green leaf seedling plant in dry leaves

Overflowing with Fresh Seedling

A new year’s ritual of mindful surrender

Jan 01, 2024

January 1st. It carries so much weight. So much pressure and expectation placed on it. Some carried over from last year. The older I’m getting, the less I make new year’s resolutions and instead, think of intentions I have for the year. What mindset do I want to approach the new year with? What energy do I want to bring into it?

New Year Habits Reflections Transformation Goals

butterfly transforming

The Serenity We Seek

Our inherent desire for transformation

May 28, 2023

My latest TV show obsession is flipping shows—houses, flea market finds, clothing. On a Canadian show called “Hoarder House Flippers,” three teams of house flippers buy abandoned hoarder houses for a low price and turn them into desirable homes to resell for profit. On another show, “Flea Market Flip,” contestants in each episode are given a budget of $500 to hunt for three pieces at a flea market that they then refurbish in the hopes of reselling them for a profit at the same flea market.

Transformation Change Growth Mindset

woman’s face statue looking out of window

What Comes to the Surface

God’s refining work in our lives

Apr 10, 2023

I left the laser and skin spa holding an ice pack against my left cheekbone to reduce the burning. It was about to thunderstorm, so I rushed to my car. The lead aesthetician told me it might sting more than last time since she cranked up the heat on my IPL service. I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted after two treatments, so she suggested we try a more intense level.

God Transformation Change Christianity Surrender

paper lantern floating in sky

What No Longer Serves Us

Facing our shortcomings through the art of letter writing

Jan 18, 2023

There are many ways to ring in the new year. From old traditions passed down over time to new ones created for ourselves, we all have ways to welcome the beginning of a new 12-month cycle. One ritual that I have very recently begun implementing is writing a letter. To whom? A letter to anything that no longer serves me and that I want to let go of moving forward.

Transformation New Year Change Self-Awareness